Hi, Judy Roberts here…
I suppose the best way to get our Big Story Adventure underway is for me to introduce myself and explain what I hope to accomplish with this website. As far as introductions go, my name is Judy Roberts, I am married to a wonderful man named John, we have five sons and three grandsons, and as evidenced by the white hair in my photo, I am a seasoned veteran of many of life’s most challenging battles. Of course, this is just another way of saying that I am old! But I am okay with that—or at least I am getting there. And that’s because I have learned that there are some advantages to being old which elude most of us when we are younger–two of them being perspective and wisdom.
Typically, when you are young, you are all about figuring out who you are and what you’re going to do in life. When you get a little older, you are all about experiencing life and finding a way to pay for it. Then when you get a little older still, you are all about raising a family and figuring out how to pay for that. Once the children are out on their own—and provided that they don’t come back at some later date—you finally have the time and are in a good position to look back over your life and try to assess what it was really all about (and marvel at how you managed to pay for it!). Generally speaking, this is when you are able to catch your breath, view your life within the context of the world around you, and get the big picture perspective on life and its meaning. This is also the time when all that you have learned suddenly begins to make sense and to coalesce into the wisdom that you can pass on to your children and grandchildren.
But then, not everyone follows this typical pattern; there are some who, for inexplicable reasons, follow a less conventional path—some whom the world, for want of a better word, would simply label as weird. I know because I am one of those people. For reasons that I did not understand at the time, I came into the world wired with a reverence and a passion for the Bible that no one else in my family seemed to possess— something which my mother discovered early on and used to her advantage whenever she needed to find out if I was lying. To determine the truth in any situation, all she had to do was to have me put my hand on the Bible and look her in the eye, knowing full well that I could not do both and lie at the same time.
This is not to say that I was the perfect child, I wasn’t–something my mother would certainly attest to if she were still here with us. But it is my way of saying that, in spite of all my shortcomings and failures, my heart and my life have always been bound up in the Bible. My desire to know it and the God who authored it has compelled me to take that less conventional path in life—to bypass the typical in order to pursue a life of faith, so that I could devote myself more fully to its study. Not being content to wait until my golden years to get the big picture perspective on God’s Word, I have made its pursuit the mission of my entire adult life.
In response to that commitment, God has been gracious enough to make the Bible and the Story it has to tell real to me in ways that I never could have imagined. Although there is still so much more for me to learn, my goal with this website is to share with you what I have discovered so far. And since I am already old, I should probably get started on that right away—don’t you think?
So, let’s begin with Some Bible Basics…